As of late i have been inspired by - well, absolutely nothing. Nada /zilch/zero/the amount of awesome in a Michael Bay movie. What to write when you're not inspired? Well, one could just randomly start typing in the hope the something would crawl its out of the keyboard. Not that I'm going to admit to doing that now.
Oh! I bought a tablet. Let's talk about that.
It's an Acer Iconia A 830 slab of pure awesomeness. My primary requirement from a tablet was for it to function properly as a comic book reader. I love comics but living in the third world means that no one except for the filthy rich can support a comic book habit. So us lower life forms are compelled to read e-comics obtained by stealthy means. I previously had a Kindle - which sucked demon eyeballs. Not only is reading comics on a monochrome display a barbaric practice, the Kindle is so small that you have to zoom in on panels to read them. Needless to say that experiment was never repeated. I grew weary of the Kindle as an e-book reader as well - it was so unfeeling - reading a book off this cold lifeless device. For some reason reading books off the Acer is a much more enjoyable experience. It took me a while to get used to the whole 'thou shalt install apps' aspect of it. but once I had my readers up and running the comics displayed like a dream. It's a 7.99 display so a single page fits perfectly and is superbly readable. I'm glad I didn't go for the ipad (a choice I was considering because of the size) because the 'droid is way more flexible; I don't approve of Apple's prohibitive nature anyway.
I really hope the Acer doesn't go the way of the Kindle and get retired to a cupboard after a few months (my Kindle committed suicide in retaliation). But I somehow doubt it will. I have a feeling it's going to stay shiny. :)