Men tend to approach problems armed with a sledgehammer and a box of tools. If a woman tries to talk to them about something that’s bothering them a man will stop her mid-sentence and fire off a series of questions. They will completely ignore her need to just talk and insist on getting to the crux of the matter. Then they will provide solution after solution after solution. All of which the woman will dismiss because she didn’t come to him for a solution; she came to him to whinge. But he aint listening; he’s brandishing that sledgehammer and threatening to take the drill-bits out.
So there we are. This is why women have girlfriends, who listen for as long as they need to complain without seeing the need to offer any sort of solution. They will counter by offering similar examples from their own lives and nodding in agreement at whatever is said. Tentative solutions will be suggested, but these are mere evasive maneuvers. Not the ball crunching solutions a man would provide. Sated of the need to complain, the woman will return to the man smilingly happy and the man will unwittingly surmise that she’s happy because he solved her problem.
Summary: for a relationship to function without hiccups it requires three entities; the man, the woman and the other woman.
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