(Works better if you read everything in a southern accent in your head)
Set: Interior of a typical southern villa where the daughter of the house comes across their local handyman fixing the kitchen shelves.
Big Bosomed Southern Belle: “Oh, Billy-Bob I do like the way you swing your hammer! It’s just like mamma said, you’re so good with your hands!”
Robust Broad-Chested Black Dude: “uh-huh” (keeps hammering)
Big Bosomed Southern Belle: “For sure Billy-Bob, I do like the way you hammer them nails in. Makes my heart fair skip it does.” (Places hand on ample (now heaving) bosom)
Robust Broad-Chested Black Dude: “uh-huh” (pauses hammering to surreptitiously check out heaving bosom)
(Big Bosomed Southern Belle leans over worktable. Ample bosom is now working overtime)
Big Bosomed Southern Belle: “Oh i like a man who knows how to use his tools, I surely do!”
Robust Broad-Chested Black Dude slowly puts hammer down, turns, sweeps everything off the work table, picks up Big Bosomed Southern Belle and plonks her down.
Big Bosomed Southern Belle: “Oh, Billy Bob!”
(end scene)
A welcome change from the haiku, but stopping at places like that means you get a called a certain name...
Ha ha. but i had to censor the rest. What name would this be? and FYI the other stuff don't fall into the Haiku format. :P
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