Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ballots 'n' Bullets

Election Time;
Ministers and wine...

yup. that's the refrain they'll be singing in the streets in a couple of months. Our silly little country is gearing up for another silly little presidential election.

oh. joy.

Apparently a whole bunch of people had got together and drawn up a petition insisting we hold the elections (which they're going to do anyway so it was all a wastle of time and paper) and yesterday dropped in at the election commission to submit it. of course they needed approximately 22 vehicles and 5000 people to do it. so road blocks and nervous cops all over the street as a result.


am i going to vote this year? nope. what's the point? i'm not in favour of any of the people nominated coming into power so might as well let someone misuse my vote. it all comes down a total incompetant bastard being elected president - no matter which way the votes swing.

i think we should've stuck to a monarchy.

oh, of course, the british invaded us and screwed everything up. how silly of me to forget.

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