Wednesday, October 12, 2011


If I wonder
and I do
when you say you love me
why would you
I stare into the truth in your eyes
and I feel it too

If you’d hold me one more time
I’d feel better for a while
then you go
as you should
and I alone
with the truth

But the reasons keep me warm
with belief I carry on
know that I
will be strong
midst the tangles
of our truth

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tales from a chicken coop; part deux

I'm getting used to my little cell in the nether regions of the building not-so-mysteriously alluded to as "SW". Since I was one of the first batch of inmates, i got to chose a cell with a view. It's a nice view too; all paddy fields and trees and other random green clumpy stuff.

So in other news, Steve Jobbs has passed. I'm more saddened that I expected to be. I'm pointedly avoiding Facebook, even more so than usual. Not quite in the mood to tolerate the illiterate spewings of lesser mortals today. (Yes, I'm in that kind of mood).

In other other news, the personal project that i unexpectedly started yesterday is going okay. So far I haven't murdered anyone or torn out my hair.

And that, folks, is the end of this unbearably boring post.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Irritable Vowel Syndrome

Dear vowel abusers,

I can't help but observe that many of you seem to be in the habit of appending multiple vowels at the end of each word in a misguided attempt to emphasize said word. For example, you add a gazzillion "e"s to the end of the word "nice" simply because you want to stress the word nice. You do realise that this bastard word you have spawned can only be pronounced as "nicey", and that too by suspending reality for a few seconds? what the hell is wrong with you people? There are other, better ways of getting attention. Jumping off a skyscraper, for one. I'm willing to bet that the view on the way down would indeed be nice.

Epiphanous rambling

I went for a bit of a walk this morning. The silly cat wakes me up at 5.30 on the dot anyway, demanding food, so I thought might as well and...