Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who's your donkey?

This whole man-woman relationship thing is one I never get tired of writing about. It's crazy how different the two sexes really are. The thought process; from pre-relationship to in-relationship to post-relationship are so different you wonder how the in-relationship bit worked without going poof and leaving your face all blackened.
The pre-relationship stage for the female generally consists of evaluating the male. The evaluation process will consists of a long check list containing all or some of the following:
1) Appearance
2) What he drives
3) Where he works
4) Where he studied
5) Whether his finger/toe nails are clean
6) Whether he has facial hair
7) Whether he doesn’t have facial hair and why
8) Whether his ears and nose are proportionate to the rest of his face
9) How he eats
10) Whether he drinks
11) Whether he doesn’t drink and if so why
12) How many siblings he has
13) If there are male siblings, whether they are more attractive than him
And so on ad infinitum.
The males however just go,
“Pin the tail?”
“Oh, um,” (points) “here."
which is why halfway through the relationship they start to wonder,
“Where am I?”
“Who does this donkey belong to?”


Preveen said...

"Does he burp?" goes into your ad-infinitum?

Muds said...

All men burp. There's no point putting that on the check list. :)

Epiphanous rambling

I went for a bit of a walk this morning. The silly cat wakes me up at 5.30 on the dot anyway, demanding food, so I thought might as well and...